It's been awhile since I have written to anyone, but since moving back to the suburbs I haven't seen much that has been worthy of my complaints. But today I had the opportunity to see one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen on public transportation. I get onto the back car of the train this morning so I don't have to sit next to anyone, or at least get a window spot. You Sweaty Fat Man must have had the same idea. It was obviously really important that you get a window spot, because if you didn't you would have no where to SUCTION CUP YOUR FAN. That's right, you had a fan suction cupped to the window of the train. I would think this was ridiculous even during the summer, but then it might be a little more forgivable. Sometimes the air conditioning doesn't work on all the train cars, and it gets pretty hot in there. But it was about 50 degrees out when I got on the train this morning. Even though you were a rather large man, I still do not understand how you could be so hot that you needed a portable fan in this kind of weather. It would be one thing if you walked to the train or something and worked up a sweat, but even then it would only be necessary to fan yourself for a little bit. After sitting for awhile you shouldn't be so hot anymore. Even if I was this hot I would be too embarrassed to suction cup a fan to the window. I wonder where one even gets a suction cup fan. It's a true sign of laziness that you can't even hold a portable fan to cool yourself off. You sir are ridiculous.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Dear kelly's obnoxious neighbor:
So I'm sleeping at my sister Kelly's house on Saturday night after hanging out with her hubby Jim and my boyfriend Steve-O. Before going to bed we were sitting in what Sue would call "the three seasons room." It was a nice night so some of the doors to the "three-seasons" room were open and we could hear you, the neighbor that lives behind them blasting music and just being loud, yelling etc. I assume it's teenagers, because no one else would be that obnoxious. I go to bed, and I can still hear the music in the spare bedroom. I doze off, and when I wake up it sounds like someone is blasting the tv in the family room as loud as possible. I listen a little harder and realize it's still you, the neighbors. This happens several times throughout the night...I wake up, I hear you, I contemplate calling the cops, I go back to sleep. The last straw was when I am woken up by "All the Single Ladies" at 6:30 in the morning. I storm outside and start staring over towards there house, but I don't see anyone. I go back inside and wake Steve up and tell him this has been going on all night. Steve, no stranger to having problems with neighbors, decides to take matters into his own hands. He storms over there and starts banging on the door. No one answers, he keeps banging. Finally you shut the music off, but still don't answer so he walks back. Then we see you come out the back door and start staring towards Kelly's backyard. So Steve walks back over there and starts yelling at you, and asking you to turn the music off. You then proceed to tell him that you called the police on him. That's right, you, the dumb bitch playing your music so loud that it sounded like it was coming from the TV in the house I was sleeping in, called the police on someone that came over to ask you to turn the music off. You tell him your sorry, you didn't realize he was a neighbor, you just though he was some "strange man." Seriously broad, it's 6:30 in the morning, you have been being loud and obnoxious all night, why do you think someone would be knocking on your door? You tell Steve it's your "girls night." Seriously who has a girls night until 6:30 in the morning? I am going to have to assume you were on some sort of drugs, that you thought it was okay to blast music until that time, and then call the cops because someone was knocking on your door. Next time you have a "girl's night" can you lay off the coke, and maybe turn the music down a bit?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Dear Bird:
I'm walking down State Street today, doing a little shopping, when all of the sudden I feel something hit my nose. I assume its water from a window washer or something, that's generally what it ends up being when I feel something drop on me. So I go to wipe the "water" off my nose when I inhale this horrendous smell. I look down at my hand and I see brown stuff all over it. I look over to my friend and ask her if I have anything on my face, she can barely get the words out but tells me she thinks there is bird shit on my face. I immediately start freaking out in the middle of the crosswalk, a mix of yelling and laughing hysterically. Everyone else walking down state street must have thought I was insane. But come on, how would you react if something crapped on your face? So Mr. Bird, is there anyway you can land before you crap in the future? I mean isn't that a little distracting trying to fly and go to the bathroom at the same time? Do all us people a favor and start crapping on the ground, I personally would rather walk in bird shit than have it on my face.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Dear "Garbage" Picker:
So I go to pick up the last bit of furniture left in my apt yesterday. I walk in to a filthy apartment left by my subletter (thanks a lot a-hole!), so needless to say I was already in a bad mood. I get all my furniture out of my apt, I load half of it into my brother's car and send him on his way. I leave the other half behind my building and leave it for my aunt to come pick it up. I go back upstairs to try and clean some of the mess my filthy subletter left. Not 15 minutes go by when I'm looking out my window and I see a beat up red truck with a bunch of junk piled on top of it. Oh wait...that wasn't junk, it was my futon and table and chairs!!! That's right, I go upstairs for a measly 15 minutes, and you garbage picker managed to find your way down my dead end street and then into the alley and load up my furniture. So I immediately start screaming out the window at you. You look around all confused for a second and finally look up and see the lunatic on the 2nd floor screaming "THAT'S NOT GARBAGE, THAT'S NOT GARBAGE, GET MY SHIT OUTTA YOUR TRUCK." So you back it up, and pull back down the alley. I meet you downstairs and start screaming at you some more. You barely speak English and just keep saying "I sorry, I sorry. It was next to dumpster" No buddy it wasn't, it was about 15 feet away from the dumpster. Seriously dude I don't know how you managed to find my stuff so quickly, but next time if it's not in the dumpster or right next to it, maybe you should think twice about taking it. Or here's a novel idea, how 'bout you get a job and you won't have to go around stealing other people's furniture to scrap.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Dear "Hurricane Simulator:"
So I am walking through the mall one day with my mom, and we see you, Hurricane Simulator. We were both very confused on what you could possibly do to simulate a hurricane. We see there is a opening at the bottom of your door, so you can't possibly spray water on people. Plus I don't think the mall would have allowed you to set up shop in there if it would mean people walking around soaking wet after they tried you out. So Sue thinks it would be a great idea for me to try it. I figured as long as she was going to pay the $2, why not. So I step in and shut the door. Sue puts the money in and we wait to see what happens. And then a fucking fan starts to blow on me. And that's all that happens. I stand under this dumbass fan for about a minute, and then the "hurricane" stops. Are you f'ing kidding me? This was the biggest waste of $2 in the entire world. Now being from the Midwest and all, I cannot say I have actually ever experienced a real hurricane. But I have seen that shit on TV, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't feel like a dinky little fan blowing on you. Hurricane Simulator, if you are going to claim you simulate hurricanes you need to step up your game.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Dear Trashy Old People:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Dear Michigan:

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Dear Skanks:
Please put your vaginas away. Just because we have had a few 80 degree days does not mean you can all go flashing your va jay jays to the public. I cannot even count the amount of chics I have seen walking down the street wearing "dresses" that barely covered their asses. I cringe even thinking about what I am about to say, but maybe if you cannot find longer "dresses" you should put on leggings. While you will still not be wearing pants, at least no one will be able to see anything they are not supposed to see. Now as inappropriate I think it is for you all to wear shirts that you try to play off as dresses, it's most inappropriate when you are at church. I go to mass this morning, and it is just unbelievable the kinds of things people wear in there. Now, I will have to admit, the dresses people were wearing at mass were not short enough to see a flash of cooch, but they were still WAY to short for church. How could you feel comfortable going into God's House wearing a skirt that went to the middle of your thigh?? What were you people thinking? And as much as the length of skirts bothered me, the biggest skank, most inappropriate church wear goes to the girl who was carrying a Playboy Bunny purse. Are you f'ing kidding me? Those things are trashy to walk around with just in public, let alone bringing it into church. I don't know if you thought it was cute or something because it's easter and you had a bunny on your purse...but let me tell you, it wasn't cute, it was beyond trashy. And here is another tip for you C and E's....tank tops are not acceptable to wear in church. Especially for you fat broads (and there were plenty). No one wants to see you flabby arms and you fat boobs hanging out, especially not in church. Even you skinny chics, having your boobs hang out in mass is just gross. Please cover yourselves up...maybe a little cardigan or something. So skanks, quit being skanks.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Dear Bitch Boy Carrying Your Girlfriend's Purse:
So I decided to take advantage of this wonderful Chicago weather the other day and walked to work. As I was walking over the bridge over the river I see you Bitch Boy, and your gf, walking happily across the bridge holding hands. I then notice you are holding a bag...when I got closer I noticed that bag was a purse. For about 30 seconds I give you the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe you are just holding the purse for a second for your girlfriend while does something. But no, that was not the case, because you keep walking, holding hands across the bridge. I walked behind you for like one more whole block, and you were STILL carrying her purse. What the hell is wrong with you? What kind of little sissy are you that you are going to walk around in public carrying your girlfriends purse for more than like 2 seconds? Because that would be the only way it would be acceptable, if maybe she needed to tie her shoe or something and you held it while she did that. But carrying it down the street for who knows how long? I personally think there is not only something wrong with you, but your girlfriend as well. What girl wants to date someone who is such a little bitch that she can get him to carry her purse for an extended period of time? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a boyfriend I could order around...but not soo much that I would make him look like a little sally while we are out in public. I think you should take some advice from me, Bitch Boy, and dump that broad. Any chic who is bitchy enough to demand that her boyfriend carry her purse around in public needs to get the boot. And if you can't dump her, how 'bout you stand up for yourself and tell her you're not going to carry her purse anymore?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Dear Man Who Smells Worse than the Elephants at the Zoo:
Now, I have experienced some awful smells while riding the CTA...but you Sir were by FAR the worst smelling person I have ever had to deal with. Now the last time there was a smelly homeless man on the CTA part of the reason I could smell him was because he was pretty close to me, I don't think the entire bus was dealing with as pungent a smell as I was. But not this time, I actually couldn't even see where you were sitting, I could only smell you. And judging by the looks on everyone’s faces, and the old broad screaming at the bus driver to open the window, I think everyone else smelled you as well. You smelled soooo bad that I actually had to get off the bus, I couldn't take it. I'd rather walk a mile in cold and windy Chicago weather than have to smell you, that's how bad it was. I am not exaggerating, or even trying to be funny when I say you literally smelled like the zoo. It was a mix of really strong smelling urine and like you crapped your pants...several times. I wasn't even the only person to get off the bus, when the driver got up to open a window to shut the old lady up, about 5 people got off the bus with really pissed off looks on their faces, which lead me to believe that was not their stop and they were annoyed they had to get off. I mean, come on dude, it's obvious you were homeless, so where were you even going on that bus? Can you just not torture people and stay outside? I highly doubt you were going anywhere important.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Dear Crazy Obama Haters on the Corner of State and Jackson:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Dear Freaks on the Dance Floor at Bootleggers:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Dear Pretend Blind Guy:
As I'm walking down the street today I see you walking down the street with a cane in your hand, waving it back in forth in front of you. The thing that made me really wonder what was up with you was that the stick wasn't even touching the ground. How do you have any idea of what is in front of you if the stick is not touching the ground? Made me wonder if you were really blind. A few minutes later I'm waiting to cross the street and I feel something whack me super hard in the side of the calf. Then feel someone run into me. It was you Pretend Blind Guy. Now, this is when I decided you must have not really been blind. 1. You whacked me in the middle of the leg...if you were using the stick properly you would have hit me in the foot, and 2.a real blind person would not have then walked right into me, because after hitting me directly in the leg, they would have realized there was something right in front of them, and they should stop and not keep walking that way. Who knows maybe you are newly blind and not use to walking with a cane, but it really didn't seem that way to me. If you are not blind I don't know what purpose you have in pretending to be, or why you whacked me in the leg, but whatever your reason you're a horrible person. And if you are actually blind...maybe you should consider getting a seeing eye dog.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Dear Smelly Rude European:

Monday, February 15, 2010
Dear St. Louis (Episode 2):
So St. Louis....the last time I visited I was pretty bored with you. This time I definitely saw some more interesting things at your little Mardi Gras celebration than I did the last time I was there. My real concern is why the hell do people bring their kids to this thing? I mean like to compare for people who have never been there I'd say it's the Southside Irish Parade times 10....and by 10 times...I mean 10 times the people, 10 times the drunkenness, and about 100 times the inappropriate things going on. I personally would never want to drag a kid through crowds of 1000s and 1000s of people...but I can see how that's not an issue for some people, crowds don't bother some people like they bother me. But what I can't understand is why people would want to bring their kids to an event where the majority of people are there to get black out drunk. And while not everyone may articulate that plan....when people start drinking 32oz draft beers at 10am, I don't see how they could have any other intentions than to get that drunk. Who wants there kids around that? I know I don't want to be answering questions like, "Mommy, who is this creepy old man that keeps falling down and slurring his words that's trying to talk to me? "...or "why did that girl just pee on someone's front lawn?" And if you can manage to protect your kids from the drunk idiots that surround them, I don't see how you can keep them away from all theinappropriate things going on. I mean come on....when most people think Mardi Gras, they think boobs. Why would you bring you kids to a place where you know there is going to be slutty chics flashing people? I mean I was actually suprised at the little amount of boob flashing I saw, but regardless...if you are a parent you should have been worried about it. Especially because even though it was too cold for most people to be flashing, it's not like there wasn't still an overabundance of boobs. Every stand I went to had whole string of beads with giant boobs on them. And those weren't even the worse ones....there were plenty of naked chics ones, and ones with dirty sayings on them. I guess if your kid couldn't read you'd be a little better off.....but even though they couldn't read the necklace that said "F the tits, show me the bush"....the visual should be enough for anyone to realize this is no place for kids.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Dear Mean Old Man in the Caddy:
I was walking home from the bus today when I came to an intersection with a 4-way stop. I stopped and let one car go, and then proceeded to walk across the street. As I got to about the middle of the intersection, I see you begin to turn out of the corner of my eye. You then point and beep at me like I am doing something wrong. Listen Old man, I am a pedestrian; I have the right of way. And it's not like I darted out in front of your car or anything. I was in the crosswalk long before you began to turn. Maybe you couldn’t see me because you are old, but that does not give you an excuse to beep and point at me...causing me to fall in the middle of the street. I am surprised you didn't drive right over me, considering how annoyed you are that I had the nerve to try and cross the street that you were trying to turn on. After I recovered from my embarrassing fall I got up and flipped you the bird, and just for good measure yelled F' you as well. Not like you could hear me, your windows were up and you are old. Now after I did this I realized how absolutely ridiculous I looked and how crazy people must have thought I was. If I was witnessing myself, I probably would have blogged about it, "Dear Crazy Bitch Who Flipped Off that Poor Old Man." But the more I thought about it, the more I realized you did need to be flipped off. I did nothing wrong. You, with your impatience and beeping and pointing caused me to fall in the middle of the street, reinjure my elbow (from my previous fall down the stairs), and caused me to act like a crazy person. That's right I am blaming you for my yelling and bird flipping. How was I supposed to act? Not only did you nearly run me over, I was humiliated in front of all the people that were on the street. For someone who falls as much as me I shouldn't really be embarrassed about my falls anymore....but this one was bad. And it was all your fault....if you had just waited 5 more seconds for me to cross the street, none of this would have happened. So Old Man, I think it’s about time you turn in your keys. I personally don't think any old people should be driving, and you are a clear example of why. You either cannot see anymore and that's why you didn't notice me crossing the street until I was practically in front of you, or you are one of those old people who thinks they have the "right of way" just because you are old. Please do all other pedestrians a favor and STOP DRIVING!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Dear Dummy in Employment Law:

dumb guys,
pregnant man,
sex reassignment surgery
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Dear Crazy B in the Laundry Room:
Today I went down to the lobby to throw out some garbage and then check my e-mail. I had a garbage bag, a box from my newly purchased humidifier, and my computer in hand, when I slipped and fell down about 5 stairs. I landed on my butt and my elbows in an attempt to save my computer. The thanks I got from my computer was it slamming into my face as I hit the ground. I sat on the ground for about 5 min yelling in pain, and did the rude doorman get up to help me? NO! I know he had to hear me yelling in pain as I hit the ground, you'd think he'd be a little more concerned? But anyways, after I walked out of the stairwell I put my computer down, and went to throw out my garbage, and YOU, B from the laundry room, were standing in the doorway that leads to the laundry room and the dumpsters. You barely let me get through the door....I throw my garbage out, and as I walk back through the doorway you ask me rudely with a lot of tude if I have any laundry in the dryers...I say no and keep walking. I then see a dorky little dude go into the laundry room...and immediately hear you yelling at the top of your lungs at this poor kid. Apparently dorky boy took your clothes out of the dryer and left them on the table. You screamed at this poor guy for probably about 10 min, why he stood there and put up with your screaming is beyond me...the second your crazy ass started yelling at me I would have walked out of the laundry room. Listen B, I'm guessing your clothes were sitting in that dryer for a very long time before you walked your dumb ass down to the laundry room to check on your clothes. It is you own fault...I'm guessing when you put your clothes in the dryer you noticed that a lot of the washing machines and dryers were in use. So you should have realized that you needed to get your clothes right when you were done. As you were yelling at this poor guy I heard you screaming about how there are bedbugs in this building and bla bla bla. Um, lady if you were sooo worried about the "bedbugs" in this building, you shouldn't be doing your laundry here. This poor dude taking your clothes out of the dryer did not give you bedbugs. You were just looking for a reason to scream more. It is not that big of a deal that he took your clothes out of the dryer, so you decided to be a bitch and scream about bedbugs. What kind of crazy person screams at someone they don't know, when it's their own fault for leaving their clothes in the dryer for sooo long? Again, like when I fell, the door man didn't step in. He should have gotten up and told you to shut the f' up. Apparently the old man is useless....makes me feel rather safe here. But regardless of what the doorman did or didn't should have not been acting like such a B, go to a laundry mat and wait there for your clothes to dry if you don't want them taken out of the dryer. There is like 10 dryers in that laundry room for a building th
at has 100s of people living in it. You can't expect to be able to leave your clothes in the dryer forever and not think someone else might take them out. So B in the laundry room, just know that if I ever need to take your clothes out of the dryer I will....and I won't put up with your shit like little dorky dude did.

Dear Drug Dealer and Girl with No Friends in my lobby:
Now, I am addressing this to both of you because these incidents happened rather close together, and figure why not knock them both out at the same time? Drug're first. You come into my lobby last night, with your "cousin" and go to the door lady and tell her you're here for whatever apartment number. She looks at you rather skeptical so I am guessing you have been here before, and she has had problems. She calls, no answer. She tells you there was no answer so she can't let you up. You ask her if you can use the phone to call a different number because you are here for a "business" and you need to go up. She then asks you why you can't use your own phone, and you said because you need to call the "business" number, and you don't have it on that phone. What you said made absolutely no sense, I don't know if door lady just wanted to get rid of you or what the deal was, but she let you use the phone. You call a different number and tell whoever is on the phone that they need to get a hold of "her" because the "European" door lady thinks you are here for "alternative" purposes, and not for your "business deal". OK buddy, you come in to the apartment at 8:00 on a Saturday night, wearing a du-rag and jeans that are falling off your ass, telling the door lady you're here to work on a "business." Really, what is that "business"...what do you think the door lady thinks when she sees the way you are dressed, you're being all shady about using the phone and trying to get a hold of the chic, and it's a Saturday night? I'd think the only people working on "business" at that time are drug dealers and prostitutes. So buddy, don't get all pissed off when the door lady is skeptical that you are here for alternative purposes....because I think we all know that you ARE.
And on to you "girl with no friends." This morning I am sitting in the lobby, and there is two other people. A blonde girl and some Asian kid. You walk up to the blonde girl and ask her if she has lived in this building for awhile. I think the blonde girl thinks you are asking her because it has something to do with the fight that just took place in the laundry room...(two people got in a fight because one took the others wet clothes out of the dryer before they were done). I thought, and I think blonde girl thought, you wanted a witness to this fight, or you wanted to know the policy on taking people's clothes out of a dryer when they have been sitting there for a long time. Apparently no, you were just looking for some friends. You tell blondie that you are new to the building, and you don't know many girls, and would she like to hang out sometime. Now girl with no friends, maybe this is the reason you don't have any friends. Who goes up to a rando girl and asks if they want to be friends? It would be one thing if you had been sitting down here in the lobby like the rest of us, and you and blondie struck up a conversation. But no, you came down to the lobby, walked right up to her, and asked her to hang out. Do you realize how weird that is? And how do you know blondie is the kind of person you even want to be friends with? You literally talked to her for 2 seconds before you said you wanted to hang out with her. And then you didn't even like stay to talk, you left like almost immediately, it was just freaking creepy. I am also a little bothered by the fact that you didn't ask me to be your friend. Now I would have been equally as creeped out as blondie was...but it still makes me wonder why you picked her and not me. Why don't you want to be friends with me? You picked the cuter of the two girls, and decided to talk to her. Um, listen lady, if you have to ask strangers to be your friends, you shouldn't be sooo picky. If I was in your position I would personally pick the chubby girl with the greasy hair that's in sweatpants over the cute blonde that's all dressed up, because out of the two who do you think is most likely to also have no friends, and be willing to become friends with a rando in her building? Now, I am not saying I would have been willing to hang out with you, I am just saying from looks alone it would have made sense to try and talk to me first. Maybe you should start hanging out in the lobby more, you might find friends that way. But Girl with No Friends its freaking creepy to just walk up to some girl you've never met before and ask her if you can come up to her apartment sometime and hang out.
And on to you "girl with no friends." This morning I am sitting in the lobby, and there is two other people. A blonde girl and some Asian kid. You walk up to the blonde girl and ask her if she has lived in this building for awhile. I think the blonde girl thinks you are asking her because it has something to do with the fight that just took place in the laundry room...(two people got in a fight because one took the others wet clothes out of the dryer before they were done). I thought, and I think blonde girl thought, you wanted a witness to this fight, or you wanted to know the policy on taking people's clothes out of a dryer when they have been sitting there for a long time. Apparently no, you were just looking for some friends. You tell blondie that you are new to the building, and you don't know many girls, and would she like to hang out sometime. Now girl with no friends, maybe this is the reason you don't have any friends. Who goes up to a rando girl and asks if they want to be friends? It would be one thing if you had been sitting down here in the lobby like the rest of us, and you and blondie struck up a conversation. But no, you came down to the lobby, walked right up to her, and asked her to hang out. Do you realize how weird that is? And how do you know blondie is the kind of person you even want to be friends with? You literally talked to her for 2 seconds before you said you wanted to hang out with her. And then you didn't even like stay to talk, you left like almost immediately, it was just freaking creepy. I am also a little bothered by the fact that you didn't ask me to be your friend. Now I would have been equally as creeped out as blondie was...but it still makes me wonder why you picked her and not me. Why don't you want to be friends with me? You picked the cuter of the two girls, and decided to talk to her. Um, listen lady, if you have to ask strangers to be your friends, you shouldn't be sooo picky. If I was in your position I would personally pick the chubby girl with the greasy hair that's in sweatpants over the cute blonde that's all dressed up, because out of the two who do you think is most likely to also have no friends, and be willing to become friends with a rando in her building? Now, I am not saying I would have been willing to hang out with you, I am just saying from looks alone it would have made sense to try and talk to me first. Maybe you should start hanging out in the lobby more, you might find friends that way. But Girl with No Friends its freaking creepy to just walk up to some girl you've never met before and ask her if you can come up to her apartment sometime and hang out.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Dear People Hatin' on my Moon Boots:

Do you people live in Chicago? Do you understand how cold it gets out? I occasionally walk to work because I am too cheap to pay for the CTA, or sometimes don't appreciate having to wait forever for a bus to finally show up just to see it drive right passed my stop because it couldn't possibly stuff another person on it. Why don't you try walking a mile and a half with regular boots on and tell me your feet are not soaking wet and freezing cold when you get to your destination. My moon boots on the other hand keep my feet as dry as possible. Not one ounce of water has touched my feet since I began wearing my moon boots. I have walked through several inch deep puddles and snow piles and my feet have not been cold or wet once. Now I understand the boots are a little funny looking, but don't knock them until you try them. I see the looks people give me as I clomp passed them in my boots. Most people just stare, some people give me dirty looks, and other people elbow the person next to them and point at me. Some people comment, and they're always one of those comments where the person says something that's not exactly nice but not exactly mean, but I can tell they are judging me. Like the man in my building who said "ddaaammnnn girl, those are some BOOTS!" Now, that wasn't necessarily a bad comment about my boots, but I could tell by his voice what he really meant to say was "Ddddddaaaammmnnn girl, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING???" or maybe "dddaaaammmmnnn girl, where's the spaceship I hope you just got off, because nothing else would justify wearing those kind of boots." Then there's the people who ask if they are warm....are you blind???? I just assume those kind of people feel the need to make some comment about my boots but don't have anything to say that wouldn't sound rude, so they ask me an obvious question like "are they warm" or "what kind of boots are those?" They don't say Moon Boots or anything right across the front of them. I bet some of you are thinking, "how hypocritical of someone who judges people for a living (and by living I mean the $4.00 I've made off the adds on my blog) to get mad when someone judges something she wears." Oh but Moon Boot Haters, the difference between me and the people I write about is: moon boots are awesome and leggings/smelly homeless people/crackheads/atheists/fat naked ladies etc. are anything but awesome. So quit hatin' on my moon boots, get yourself a pair, and you will understand. 

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Dear Smelly Man on the 36:
To get home from school I can either take the 22 or the 36 bus. I prefer the 22, but if I don't see it coming and the 36 is there I will take's only an extra block or two walk to my apartment. Well today I was a little mad I didn't just wait for the 22. I get on, and go sit towards the back of the bus. About two stops down you get on. I can tell you are homeless by the beat up plastic bags and the suitcase that is about to fall apart that you are carrying. You walk to about the middle of the bus and plop your suitcase and 5 plastic bags across a row of 3 seats. Now buddy, I understand you have a lot of stuff, but it was getting close to rush hour, and there was a lot of people already on this bus. It's complete BS that you took up a whole row of seats, and a handicapped row at that. You then proceed to stand in the middle of the aisle and face forward (I was sitting several rows behind you)...and you go to hike your pants up higher or something, and end up exposing your ENTIRE hairy butt and nasty nasty underwear. Now at this point I have to wonder why you even bother wearing underwear. It was so incredibly filthy looking that I can't even imagine how long you have been wearing it for. But that is besides the point...can you please not expose your entire ass to a bus full of people?? That was a little old lady sitting directly behind you that saw the whole thing waaayyyy to up close. She was absolutely appalled. I am surprised she did not get up and move, because once you sat down we both found something else to be completely appalled by, your smell. Now I get it that you probably can't shower that often...but can you at least not pee on yourself? Because that's exactly what the entire bus smelled like once you sat down...pee. I thought about getting off the bus the smell was so bad...but it was raining and I didn't feel like waiting for another bus. So please smelly man, if possible get some pants that fit so you don't expose yourself to any more old ladies, and if you can't stop peeing on yourself, change your clothes once in awhile, will ya? You gotta have something else to wear in that suitcase. you're carrying around.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Dear Richard Roeper:
If older women can be 'cougars,' older men are ... :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Richard Roeper
I was in the dentist's office today, trying to make my next appointment when my mom called me to tell me I was quoted in your article. I have looked in the paper everyday since I e-mailed you a few weeks ago about your "cougar" article, in hopes that you would write a response to the e-mail I sent you. So needless to say, I was rather excited when I found out I made the article today. The receptionist at the dentist office probably thinks I am crazy because I was yelling into the phone when I found out, and then ignored her for the next 5 minutes while I texted all my friends to tell them. And then I read the article and I'd have to say I was a little disappointed that, as one friend put it, "[you] owned me." Because, I never tried to say that Manther was going to be as popular as cougar. Some woman like being called a cougar, no dude would like being called a manther, it makes them sound creepy, which is kind of the point. My only reason for e-mailing you was to inform you there is in fact a word for men, that is similar to cougar. I agree with you that it won't catch on quite like cougar has, and I'm also pretty sure George Clooney would never use the term to refer to himself. Maybe you don't like the word because you know you fit into the category. You're single, and old, and a little famous, so I'm just going to guess you date younger chics. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone calling you a word that sounds like "a second-tier character in a Marvel comic book." But Richard, no matter how you decided to spin it since you didn't like being proven wrong, I still think it's pretty freaking awesome you quoted me.
I was in the dentist's office today, trying to make my next appointment when my mom called me to tell me I was quoted in your article. I have looked in the paper everyday since I e-mailed you a few weeks ago about your "cougar" article, in hopes that you would write a response to the e-mail I sent you. So needless to say, I was rather excited when I found out I made the article today. The receptionist at the dentist office probably thinks I am crazy because I was yelling into the phone when I found out, and then ignored her for the next 5 minutes while I texted all my friends to tell them. And then I read the article and I'd have to say I was a little disappointed that, as one friend put it, "[you] owned me." Because, I never tried to say that Manther was going to be as popular as cougar. Some woman like being called a cougar, no dude would like being called a manther, it makes them sound creepy, which is kind of the point. My only reason for e-mailing you was to inform you there is in fact a word for men, that is similar to cougar. I agree with you that it won't catch on quite like cougar has, and I'm also pretty sure George Clooney would never use the term to refer to himself. Maybe you don't like the word because you know you fit into the category. You're single, and old, and a little famous, so I'm just going to guess you date younger chics. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone calling you a word that sounds like "a second-tier character in a Marvel comic book." But Richard, no matter how you decided to spin it since you didn't like being proven wrong, I still think it's pretty freaking awesome you quoted me.
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