Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dear Skanks:

Please put your vaginas away. Just because we have had a few 80 degree days does not mean you can all go flashing your va jay jays to the public. I cannot even count the amount of chics I have seen walking down the street wearing "dresses" that barely covered their asses. I cringe even thinking about what I am about to say, but maybe if you cannot find longer "dresses" you should put on leggings. While you will still not be wearing pants, at least no one will be able to see anything they are not supposed to see. Now as inappropriate I think it is for you all to wear shirts that you try to play off as dresses, it's most inappropriate when you are at church. I go to mass this morning, and it is just unbelievable the kinds of things people wear in there. Now, I will have to admit, the dresses people were wearing at mass were not short enough to see a flash of cooch, but they were still WAY to short for church. How could you feel comfortable going into God's House wearing a skirt that went to the middle of your thigh?? What were you people thinking? And as much as the length of skirts bothered me, the biggest skank, most inappropriate church wear goes to the girl who was carrying a Playboy Bunny purse. Are you f'ing kidding me? Those things are trashy to walk around with just in public, let alone bringing it into church. I don't know if you thought it was cute or something because it's easter and you had a bunny on your purse...but let me tell you, it wasn't cute, it was beyond trashy. And here is another tip for you C and E's....tank tops are not acceptable to wear in church. Especially for you fat broads (and there were plenty). No one wants to see you flabby arms and you fat boobs hanging out, especially not in church. Even you skinny chics, having your boobs hang out in mass is just gross. Please cover yourselves up...maybe a little cardigan or something. So skanks, quit being skanks.



Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dear Bitch Boy Carrying Your Girlfriend's Purse:

So I decided to take advantage of this wonderful Chicago weather the other day and walked to work. As I was walking over the bridge over the river I see you Bitch Boy, and your gf, walking happily across the bridge holding hands. I then notice you are holding a bag...when I got closer I noticed that bag was a purse. For about 30 seconds I give you the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe you are just holding the purse for a second for your girlfriend while does something. But no, that was not the case, because you keep walking, holding hands across the bridge. I walked behind you for like one more whole block, and you were STILL carrying her purse. What the hell is wrong with you? What kind of little sissy are you that you are going to walk around in public carrying your girlfriends purse for more than like 2 seconds? Because that would be the only way it would be acceptable, if maybe she needed to tie her shoe or something and you held it while she did that. But carrying it down the street for who knows how long? I personally think there is not only something wrong with you, but your girlfriend as well. What girl wants to date someone who is such a little bitch that she can get him to carry her purse for an extended period of time? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a boyfriend I could order around...but not soo much that I would make him look like a little sally while we are out in public. I think you should take some advice from me, Bitch Boy, and dump that broad. Any chic who is bitchy enough to demand that her boyfriend carry her purse around in public needs to get the boot. And if you can't dump her, how 'bout you stand up for yourself and tell her you're not going to carry her purse anymore?
