You sit on the corner of the street near my work in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank on the back. You don't always have the oxygen on, but it's always on the back of the chair. I walk passed you every single day, and every single day you ask me, and everyone else who walks passed you if we can "spare some change". I have never "spared any change" so I don't know why you keep asking me. Now, up until a few days ago I did feel bad for you, and I have come very close to giving you money....but never again spare some change man. The other day as I'm walking back to work from running an errand, you ask me if I can "spare some change" while you are puffing away on a cigarette. Are you serious dude? I have always thought your oxygen tank was just a little gimmick you have to get people to give your more money...and now I am pretty convinced. I mean it's possible you can be a complete moron and just continue smoking when you have a lung problem....but I don't think so. And I mean not only do I think its just completely stupid that you are smoking if you really are sick, but why the hell would you do it on that corner? The same people probably walk passed you everyday, and they are going to think the same thing I do, that either your oxygen tank is an act, or they are not going to give you money just so that you can go buy yourself smokes and kill yourself a little faster. I mean if you were smart you would go hide while your having your smoke...because it's not like anyone is going to give you money while you are smoking with an oxygen tank. Or here's an idea spare some change man, spare yourself some change...and quit smoking!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Dear Atheists:
So I was walking down LaSalle to get back to my apartment a couple weeks ago, and I see this says "Are you good without God,
Millions are." I was completely confused by it so I just stood and stared at it for like 5 minutes. While I was trying to figure out who the hell would put up this kind of billboard a journalism student from Northwestern came up to me to ask me what I thought about the billboard. I told her I was confused because I didn't understand who would put up this kind of sign. She explained it was an atheist organization...and asked me what I thought now. I wish I could have been more articulate since she was interviewing me for an article, but all I could come up with was "well that's just stupid." But even now that I have had time to think about it, I still think its stupid. Why do atheists need to promote themselves? What are you trying to do? Convert people to nothingness? I just do not get what you are trying to promote...I don't care that you don't believe in God, that is your choice, but why would you try and convince other people to not believe in God? At least the Crazy Christians actually believe by getting people to join their religion they are saving them. What are people going to get if they listen to you? Absolutely nothing....well actually you might be getting them an eternity in hell if the crazy Christians are right. So Atheists don't waste your money, promoting your belief in nothing, its not doing anyone any good. You can probably just go ahead and take down that billboard now, it annoys me every time I walk past it.

Dear Crazy Christians:

So Crazy Christians I really think you can find a better use for your children other than having them pass out comics on the street that no one is going to read, and if they do read them they are just going to have lots of reasons to think you are crazy. Don't get me wrong, I am a Christian myself and find nothing wrong with the fact that you want to "spread the word of God"....I just think you are going about it in all the wrong ways.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dear David's Bridal Lady:
I go in to your store on Saturday to order my bridesmaid dress for my sisters wedding. I have previously tried the dress on so I did not need to try it on again, so I just got to go right up to the counter and order. You don't really get a good look at me, I just tell you the brides name and you start looking up the info on the computer. You keep looking down and you ask my name and ask if I am the Maid of Honor, and go oh "Megan, okay, a size 4?" then look up and go "oh no." Now lady I just start laughing, because I know I am not a size 4. But I think you should be careful with making comments like that. I think any other girl probably would have freaked out at you if you made a comment like that to them. So David's Bridal Lady, next time there is a clear typo in your computer system, instead of saying "oh, no"..which was basically you saying "wait a second, this says you are ordering a size 4, you're clearly not a size 4, you are much fatter." should probably just say something like "what size was the dress again?, just want to make sure what I have in the system is right". I'm not mad David's Bridal girl, but other chics defiantly would be, so in the future you should just watch what you say.
Dear Creepy Beret Man (Episode Two):
Now normally I only devote one blog entry to each creeper I meet...but you creepy beret man are real special, you can't get the hint. I have now been avoiding the lobby as much as possible because I am actually afriad of you a little bit. But last week I really needed to use the internet and my internet was not working so I went and sat downstairs for like 20 min. As I was getting up to go back upstairs I see you out of the corner of my eye. I try to like run to the stairs so that I can get upstairs before you start talking to me. But no, you ran over and put your hand on the door to the stairs so that I couldn't get upstairs until I talked to you. You ask me where I have been, and I would have liked to say "avoiding you,"...but I don't want to piss you off because you seem like a psycho. So I tell you I have just been really busy with school work. I then tell you I really need to get going because I have homework to finish, and you go "I'll walk up with you." Really dude, you had just gotten into the lobby and you live on the 7th floor. Were you just coming downstairs to look for me? And do you really think I believe had I not been in the lobby you would have walked up 7 flight of stairs to get back to your apartment? So at this point I am super creeped out, and I don't know how to get out of it, so I just start walking up the stairs. When I get to my floor you stand in the hallway and continue to try to talk to me. You ask me what I am doing this week, and if maybe we can get dinner. I said "I don't think so", and you ask why. Seriously dude, what do you not get? I am not interested. I felt bad though so I then told you I am too busy with school. And you still try to argue with me about why I should be able to go to dinner with you. Creepy Beret Man I do not want to go to dinner with you, and in the future can you not follow me up the stairs? I don't like having to sleep with a knife by my bed...but I will continue to do it until you leave me alone.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Dear Door Lady:
First off I would just like to say you take your job WAY too seriously. Like I know you are trying to keep this building safe and all, but like so many shady people already live here, I don't know who you are trying to protect when you are so crazy about making my guests sign in and not letting them up until you get a hold of me. Like my 15 year old cousin you make sign in when she is with me is a lot less shady then the crack heads that actually live in this building.
Anyways, now to my real beef with you. So Friday I walk into my apartment and I found my lock on the ground. That's right, my lock actually fell out of the door and onto the floor. Now the lock has been loose for sometime, but I didn't think it was possible for it to actually fall out, guess I was wrong. So I freak out, because like I have mentioned shady people live here and I had no intention of leaving my door unlocked (or with no lock, since mine FELL OUT), for longer than like 5 minutes. So Doorlady, I come show you the lock and ask if there is still maintenance people around. You say you will go check, you check and maintenance man is not here. So you tell me when he comes back you will show him the lock and have him come fix it. I say "oh no, I will just try to fix it myself"...and you slowly try to slide the lock out of my reach. You tell me you can't let me take the lock because you can't let me try to fix it on my own. Are you serious lady? Do you really think I am just going to leave my apartment without a lock? So I just grabbed the lock and tell you there was no way I was going to leave my apartment
get all pissy and roll your eyes at me. But seriously door lady you are out of your freaking mind. And door lady I was able to fix the lock on my own without messing anything up so you can chill out next time this happens. I actually just duct taped the lock back onto the door....that's right, duct taped. But door lady that is not your problem...I will address with landlady how it's possible that the lock on my door sucks so bad and is such a piece of crap that it can actually just be duct taped back on. In the future though, don't actually expect people will leave their doors unlocked in this shady freaking place for as long as it would take for the maintenance people to come and fix the door.
Anyways, now to my real beef with you. So Friday I walk into my apartment and I found my lock on the ground. That's right, my lock actually fell out of the door and onto the floor. Now the lock has been loose for sometime, but I didn't think it was possible for it to actually fall out, guess I was wrong. So I freak out, because like I have mentioned shady people live here and I had no intention of leaving my door unlocked (or with no lock, since mine FELL OUT), for longer than like 5 minutes. So Doorlady, I come show you the lock and ask if there is still maintenance people around. You say you will go check, you check and maintenance man is not here. So you tell me when he comes back you will show him the lock and have him come fix it. I say "oh no, I will just try to fix it myself"...and you slowly try to slide the lock out of my reach. You tell me you can't let me take the lock because you can't let me try to fix it on my own. Are you serious lady? Do you really think I am just going to leave my apartment without a lock? So I just grabbed the lock and tell you there was no way I was going to leave my apartment

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